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Catégorie : Project to Support

1. Project background and justification

Domestic violence has become a scourge to eradicate several families in Burhinyi in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Women victims of these barbaric actions of men, have each one its singular history, hence the need to offer multiple and varied responses within the network.   Our desire is to provide a collective benefit favouring the expression of emotions with an artistic medium in a safe environment. We reserve to individuals who share a common suffering so that they can approach it more freely and this will enable us to design a response "to measure".

2. Project Description

This program helps women and girls who are at risk of experiencing violence or sexual assault to improve security and to increase their self-confidence. Women learn of violence prevention strategies and establishing personal boundaries. They obtain information on gender stereotypes, healthy relationships, the relationship between self-image and eating disorders, abuse of alcohol or other drugs, stress management and diversity and learn to think critically address the messages transmitted by the media

During the sessions of the workshop a talk time is necessary for a good availability in the exercises for women victims of domestic violence. .This Speaking time allows each to say where it is, and the host of the group take temperature and see in which direction the course.

Throughout the sessions confidence will settle, tongues loosen, emotions arise, the voices expressed in group give a real supportive relationship and is set up in compliance with the confidentiality and non-judgmental.


  • 1. Allow to women victims of domestic violence to express their suffering but also all their emotions through song and vocalizing.
  • 2. Allow women victims of domestic violence to meet other women facing the same challenges and so break the taboo of silence, secrecy and develop solidarities
  • 3. Reduce their guilt by addressing their situation as part of a group: no longer be the only one, "where
  • 4. Inform and guide the victim about his rights and the possible approaches; Tell the victim the possibility of a multidisciplinary management (social worker, psychologist, lawyer, doctors)
Affichages : 2845


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